Presents a message on the screen that requests the user to enter some- thing. PROMPTs are modal. Modal means that you must deal with the PROMPT before you can do anything else. That is, when a PROMPT is up, all other controls you see on the screen are inoperable until the PROMPT is closed.
PROMPT/options %v the-message-text
Notation standardsOptionsAnswers Options:
B -Put a Browse button in the PROMPT frame
Cn -Just put the first N characters of user's reponse in the variable
I -Make the user's response invisible. Good for passwords
L -Eliminate leading spaces from the user's response
S -Each line of the message text is presented as quoted strings
U -Convert the user's response to upper case
X -Suppress the command response
Y -Do not alter the command answer cells
Ctl.Ans1 =Number of characters in users response, Zero if CANCEL
Ctl.Ans2 =CANCEL if user cancelled, OK if user entered something
Ctl.Ans3 =Zero
The user's response goes in to the variable provided in the command. If the variable did not previously exist it is created by the Prompt command even if the user presses Cancel. In that case the content of the variable is blank. If the variable did previously exist and contained a value prior to the PROMPT it will be set to blank if the user Cancels, or set to the new value if the user entered something.
With respect to the S option, PROMPT works exactly like the MESSAGE
mand. See the description of MESSAGE to get examples of what S does.
In the special case of prompting for a file name, you can use the B option to cause a Browse button to appear in the PROMPT frame. The user can then use the Browse to locate the file and select it. The file name goes into the PROMPT text box just as if it had been typed in, so it can still be edited before you click OK or press Enter.