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ddlCommand() - Command-style interface to select TB API functions
Version 7.11

ddlCommand() - Command-style interface to select TB API functions ddlCommand() - Command-style interface to select TB API functions

   void ddlCommand(
      CONTROL *ctl,
      char *ArgList);

Form of ArgList:
      <command>[/<options>] [<arguments>]

Performs the command as described below.
Values returned in the Control Structure are the values returned by the specific command.

1.0 ddlCommand() Commands that correspond directly to TB API Functions
   1.1  ATTACH
          Syntax: ATTACH <DB-path-name>  <table-name-1> [ AS <table-alias-1>] ...
          Description: ATTACH one or more tables from an externam database
          Reference: ddlAttach()
   1.2  CALC
          Syntax: CALC %numeric-var = <numeric-expression>
          Description: Evaluate a numeric expression
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.3  CHANGE
          Syntax: CHANGE <cx> <table-name> <field-name-1> = <value-1> [<field-name-2> = <value-2> ...]
          Description: Modify records in a table
          Reference: ddlChange()
   1.4  CLEAR
          Syntax: CLEAR <cx-name> [<table-name>]
          Description: Clear a collection
          Reference: ddlClear()
   1.5  CLOSE
          Syntax: CLOSE <no-arg>
          Description: If data base is open, close it.
          Reference: ddlClose()
          Syntax: COMPILERDMEM <RD-Name> <Image>
          Description: Create an RD from a symbolic memory image
          Reference: ddlCompileRdMem()
             COMPILERDMEM/D RdTest "RD RdTest // -
                String2 X(15) //"
          Syntax: CONSTRUCT [<table-name>] [<key-name>]
          Description: Initial or incremental structure build
          Reference: ddlConstruct()
   1.8  COPYDATA
          Syntax: COPYDATA <source-cx> <source-table> <dest-cx> <dest-table>
          Description: Copy data from a table to another or same table
          Reference: ddlCopyData()
          Syntax: CREATECALCOBJECT <Calc-Object-Name> <cx> { <Table-Name> | NULL } <Calc-Object-Definition>
          Description: Create a Calc Object from a symbolic memory image
          Reference: ddlCreateCalcObject()
          Syntax: CREATECOLL <cx-name> [<table1> [<table2> ... [<alias1>=<table1> [<alias2>=<table2> ...]]]]
          Description: Create a temporary collection
          Reference: ddlCreateColl()
          Syntax: CREATETEMPTABLE <temp-table-handle> <Image>
          Description: Create a temporary table from a symbolic memory image
          Reference: ddlCreateTempTable()
          Example (non TokenMap case):
             CREATETEMPTABLE/D TT1 "Data Base Name Is TT1 // -
                TD TT1 100 records TEMP GROW // -
                   Name X(20) //"
          Example (TokenMap case):
             CREATETEMPTABLE/D TT1 "Data Base Name Is TT1 // -
                TD "TT1" AS TT1_I 100 records TEMP GROW // -
                   "TT1"."Name" AS Name_I X(20) //"
   1.12 DBDCOMP
          Syntax: DBDCOMP <DBD-path-name> 
          Description: Create or modify a data base from a symbolic schema
          Reference: ddlCompileDBD()
   1.13 DELETE
          Syntax: DELETE <cx-name%gt; <table-name>
          Description: Delete records from a table based on the contents
              of a collection
          Reference: ddlDelete()
   1.14 DESTRUCT
          Syntax: DESTRUCT [<table-name>] [<key-name>]
          Description: Destroy the structure of selected keys
          Reference: ddlDestruct()
          Syntax: DESTROYCALCOBJECT <Calc-Object-Name>
          Description: Destroy a Calc Object created by a previous CREATECALCOBJECT
          Reference: ddlDestroyCalcObject()
          Syntax: DESTROYCOLL <cx-name>
          Description: Destroy a collection created by a previous CREATECOLL
          Reference: ddlDestroyColl()
          Syntax: DESTROYRDMEM <RD-Name>
          Description: Destroy an RD created by a previous COMPILERDMEM
          Reference: ddlDestroyRdMem()
          Syntax: DESTROYTEMPTABLE <temp-table-handle>
          Description: Destroy a Temp Table created by a previous CREATETEMPTABLE
          Reference: ddlDestroyTempTable()
   1.19 DETACH
          Syntax: DETACH [<DB-name>]
          Description: Detach tables from a previous ATTACH
          Reference: ddlDetach()
   1.20 FETCH
          Syntax: FETCH &cx-name-1> [<table-name-1>] <column-name> TO %<variable-name> ...
          Description: Read data to variables
          Reference: ddlFetch()
   1.21 FILL
          Syntax: FILL &cx-name> [<table-name>]
          Description: Populate a collection with all records of a table
          Reference: ddlFill()
   1.22 FIND
          Syntax: FIND &cx-name> [<table-name>] <expression>
          Description: Populate a collection with records that satisy <expression>
          Reference: ddlFind()
   1.23 FINDCALC
          Syntax: FINDCALC &cx-name> [<table-name>] <expression>
          Description: Populate a collection with records that satisy <expression> using Calc-Object IF
          Reference: ddlFindCalc()
   1.24 GETCALC
          Syntax: GETCALC <cx> [<Table-Name>] { <RD-Name> | NULL } <Calc-Object-Name>
          Description: Perform a Calc Object against each record of a collection
          Reference: ddlGetCalc()
   1.25 INC
          Syntax: INC { %string-variable | %numeric-variable }
          Description: For a string variable, if the rightmost character is a 
              digit, increment it by one.
              For a numeric variable, unconditionally increment it by one.
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.26 INFO
          Syntax: INFO [<table-name>l] [<field-name>]
          Description: Display meta information about data base items
          Reference: ddlInfo()
   1.27 INVERT
          Syntax: INVERT [<source-cx>] <key-name> [<dest-cx>] <dest-table-name> <dest-field-name>
                     [{ INCLUDE | EXCLUDE } [NULL] [<value-list>]]
          Description: Construct a table that corresponds to an index
          Reference: ddlInvertIndex()
   1.28 LOAD
          Syntax: LOAD <cx> <table-name> <RD-Name> <File-path-name>
          Description: Import data from an external file to a table
          Reference: ddlLoad()
   1.29 MATCH
          Syntax: MATCH <cx> <source-table> [THRU] <source-field> [WITH] <target-table> [[ON] <target-field>]
          Description: Project from one table to another [or same] table
          Reference: ddlMatch()
   1.30 MODE
          Syntax: MODE [See Reference]
          Description: Query and/or set internal mode settingss
          Reference: ddlMode()
   1.31 OPEN
          Syntax: OPEN <DB-path-name>
          Description: Opens a data base
          Reference: ddlOpen()
   1.32 PICK
          Syntax: PICK <cx> [<table-name>] { <recno> | <lo-recno>,<hi-recno> }
          Description: Populate a collection with specific records of a table
          Reference: ddlPick()
   1.33 PICOMP
          Syntax: PICOMP <AI-path-name> 
          Description: Create or modify an application interface 
          Reference: ddlCompileAI()
   1.34 RAZE
          Syntax: RAZE [<table-name>]
          Description: Reset the end-of-data pointer for a table. This effectively
              discards all data in the table.
              Also, destroy all structures associated with the table.
          Reference: ddlRaze()
   1.35 REDUCE
          Syntax: REDUCE <cx> [<table-name>] <field-name-1> [<field-name-2> ...]
          Description: Eliminate duplicate records from the collection.
          Reference: ddlReduce()
   1.36 RELATEX
          Syntax: RELATEX <cx> [PRESENT BY <field-name-1> [<fild-name-2> ...]]
                     / <table-1> / <table-2> / <join-type-1> / <join-condition-1>
                     [// <table-2> / <table-3> / <join-type-2> / <join-condition-2> ...]
          Description: Order the records of the source collection according to
              the specified conditions
          Reference: ddlRelateEx()
   1.37 RETURN
          Syntax: RETURN <cx> { <table-name> | NULL } <Calc-Object-Definition>
          Description: Combined CREATECALCOBJECT and GETCALC
          Reference: ddlReturn()
   1.38 RPR
          Syntax: RPR <cx> [<table-name>] <field-name-1> [<field-name-2> ...]
          Description: Raw Print - Simple print function
          Reference: ddlRpr()
   1.39 SAVECOLL
          Syntax: SAVECOLL <cx> <table> #<file-path-name>
          Description: Save a collection to an external file
          Reference: ddlSaveColl()
   1.40 SET
          Syntax: SET %string-var = <string-expression>
          Description: Evaluate a string expression
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.41 SHOW
          Syntax: SHOW <key-name>
          Description: Display the contents of a structure
          Reference: ddlShow()
   1.42 SORT
          Syntax: SORT <cx> [<table-name> <field-name-1> [<field-name-2> ...]
          Description: Order the records of the collection according to the
              specified conditions
          Reference: ddlSort()
          Syntax: STRUCTURE [<key-name>]
          Description: Initial build or incremental build data structures
          Reference: ddlStructure()
   1.44 SUB
          Syntax: SUB  %string-variable /<from-value-1>/<to-value-1>/ [<from-value-2>/<to-value-2> ...]
          Description: Perform string substitution in a variable
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.45 TALLY
          Syntax: TALLY <cx-name> [<table-name>]
          Description: Display a count of the number of records in a collection
          Reference: ddlTally()
   1.46 UNCALC
          Syntax: UNCALC [<%numeric-variable-1> [<%numeric-variable-2> ...]]
          Description: Delete all or selected numeric variables
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.47 UNLOAD
          Syntax: UNLOAD <cx> <table-name> <RD-Name> <File-path-name>
          Description: Export records from a table to an external file
          Reference: ddlUnload()
   1.48 UNSET
          Syntax: UNSET [<%string-variable-1> [<%string-variable-2> ...]]
          Description: Delete all or selected string variables
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.49 USERS
          Syntax: USERS 
          Description: Display a list of all connections to this data base
          Reference: ddlUsers()
   1.50 VERIFY
          Syntax: VERIFY [See Reference]
          Description: Programattic query of data base meta information
          Reference: ddlVerify()
   1.51 VLIST
          Syntax: VLIST <no-arg>
          Description: Display all variables and their contents
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   1.52 WRITE
          Syntax: WRITE <cx> <table-name> <field-name-1> = <value-1> [<field-name-2> = <value-2> ...]
          Description: Insert records into a table
          Reference: ddlWrite()
2.0 ddlCommand() Commands that do not correspond directly to TB API Functions
   2.1  POF 
          Syntax: POF <no-arg>
          Description: Turn off print to file, and close file.
          Options: NA
   2.2  PON 
          Syntax: PON [<file-name>]
              PON <file-name> - print to file
              PON <No-Arg>    - print to WhamDiag
              /A - append
              /T - write to both console and file
   2.3  TYPE 
          Syntax: TYPE [<message>]
          Description: Displays a message
              /F - suppress leading CR-LF
                   [this is work-around for unwanted leading CR-LF]
              /L - suppress initial leading blank
                   [this is work-around for unwanted leading blank]
3.0 ddlCommand() Commands for Procedures

   3.1  BEGIN ATEND 
        END ATEND
          Syntax: BEGIN ATEND
                  END ATEND
          Placement: At end of procedure
          Description: These two statements bracket a set of statements that are
             defined as the ATEND clause. The contents of the ATEND clause can be
             retrieved by the ddlGetExecClause() API, defined as:
                 void ddlGetExecClause(
                    CONTROL *ctl,
                    WtChar8 *buffResultSet,      /* destination buffer for RESULTSET clause */
                    WtInt32 buffResultSetSize,   /* size of buffResultSet */
                    WtChar8 *buffAtend,          /* destination buffer for ATEND clause */
                    WtInt32 buffAtendSize);      /* size of buffAtend */

          Syntax: BEGIN RESULTSET
                  END RESULTSET
          Placement: At end of procedure
          Description: These two statements bracket a set of statements that are
             defined as the RESULTSET clause. The contents of the RESULTSET clause can be
             retrieved by the ddlGetExecClause() API, defined above.
   3.3  END
          Syntax: END <no-arg>
          Description: Stop executing commands from the current USE file. If the
             current procedure was invoked from a lower level procedure, resume
             executing commands from that procedure. If the current procedure 
             was invoked from the DDTL command line, return to the DDTL command
   3.4  EXEC
          Syntax: EXEC <procedure-file-name> [<param-1> [<param-2> ... <param-9>]]
          Description: Begin executing commands from <procedure-file-name>. At present,
              %lt;param-N> can be referenced only as {%N} or '{&N}'.
              Procedures can be nested up to 10 levels.
   3.5  IF
          Syntax: IF <expression>
          Description: Test for a condition.
             IF's and WHILE's may be nested up to 16 levels (aggregate)
             within a procedure.
          Reference: ddlCalc()
   3.6  WHILE
          Syntax: WHILE <expression>
          Description: Test for a condition.
             IF's and WHILE's may be nested up to 16 levels (aggregate)
             within a procedure.
          Reference: ddlCalc()

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