ddlDestroyTempTable() - destroy the table that was created by ddlCreateTempTable()
ddlDestroyTempTable() - destroy the table that was created by ddlCreateTempTable()
ddlDestroyTempTable() is used to delete the table that was
created by the
ddlCreateTempTable() function.
void ddlDestroyTempTable(
char *OptnStr,
char *ArgString); /* command argument list */
Permitted values in OptnStr:
/E - If the specified <TempTableHandle> does not exist, do not return error
code in ctl->Status; instead, return error code in ctl->Warning.
Form of ArgString:
<TempTableHandle> represents the <TempTableHandle>
that was specified with the
ddlCreateTempTable() API function.
If ArgString is empty, ddlDestroyTempTable() will destroy all tables that
were created with the ddlCreateTempTable() API function.
Value returned in ctl->Ans1:
If the command succeeds, ctl->Ans1 contains 1 (or, if ArgString is empty, the number of tables destroyed).