Virtual Data Integration Providing Highly Efficient System Integration, Management and Analysis for Mergers and Acquisitions, Portfolio Integration and Due Diligence

Seamlessly and virtually integrate multiple IT systems without copying or moving data

The WhamTech Security-Centric Merger and Acquisition Tool (MAT) uses SmartData Fabric® to run across fragmented and often siloed data sources—and successfully integrate multiple systems without copying or moving any of the original source data. WhamTech SmartData Fabric® MAT complements and leverages existing systems, applications and tools, and is not intended to be an expensive replacement.

Many times, companies are aggregated together to create a stronger market presence or complement products and services.  Typically, these companies will have different IT systems, applications and tools, which makes operating together and obtaining a consolidated view across the aggregated companies difficult. WhamTech SmartData Fabric® MAT greatly accelerates the merge process and also leaves an operational technology for Interoperability and consolidated reporting, BI and analytics. WhamTech has enabled open source BPM workflow software on top of SmartData Fabric® data services that allow new workflows for interoperability across multiple legacy systems in multiple companies.  These are just some of the benefits WhamTech SmartData Fabric® MAT and leave-behind technology can bring to the aggregated company.

Integration on Large Acquisitions
WhamTech SmartData Fabric® can be particularly effective with large acquisitions that are susceptible to success or failure (usually, the latter) due to a large number of data sources and the large scale of some of these data sources.  The ability to complement and leverage existing systems, applications and tools, and add capabilities such as data security, and seamless and automatic master data integration, can add a disproportionately large value to large acquisitions.

Sell-Side Due Diligence
A potential seller can readily enable access to their own systems for WhamTech SmartData Fabric® MAT to run across, whereas it would be relatively more difficult for a potential outside buyer to gain the same level of access.  In general, it is in the potential seller’s interest to (a) make sure that their own systems are fully integrated and all possible hurdles/barriers are known to them, and (b) make available either full or partial access to a potential buyer to minimize the due diligence effort from their side, e.g., data rooms and data extracts, and not hold up the acquisition.

Buy-Side Due Diligence
A potential buyer has similar objectives as a potential seller, but approaches due diligence from a risk mitigation perspective and is focused on maximizing the value of the acquisition by having as much knowledge as possible at the point-of-sale and the WhamTech SmartData Fabric® in-place to accelerate the benefits of the acquisition (as illustrated below).

Portfolio Integration
Leveraging aggregations at multiple levels, an asset/properties portfolio can be integrated and managed in near real-time with WhamTech SmartData Fabric®, and allow near real-time portfolio dashboards, and predictive and other analytics to support both operational and buy/sell/improve decisions that were either very difficult and time-consuming, or not possible, previously.

360° View

Use Data to Minimize Hurdles, Maximize in-depth Understanding of Combined Enterprises, and Leverage to Meet or Exceed Expectation

  • Discover, profile and match data across multiple disparate data sources
  • Leverage existing master data of customers, products, venders, etc.
  • Create an enterprise-wide distributed metadata repository
  • Generate Indexes and link discovered data, including entities
  • Review options for derived value indexes, and material and virtual indexes views, e.g., pre-aggregations, pre-calculations and other pre-joined views, including master data
  • Create/adopt and map an enterprise information model (EIM)

Three main hurdles to overcome for a successful acquisition:

Cultures Mismatch: One of the main goals in the pre and post-merger process is to retain valuable employees. One way to achieve this is to allow people to continue working with systems, applications and tools that they are comfortable with, which WhamTech SmartData Fabric® is designed to do. Keeping the business running with minimal interruption, but in the background start making improvements, is key to realizing the value of the acquisition.

IT Systems Incompatibilities: WhamTech SmartData Fabric® enables a seamless and automatic integration of systems, applications and tools which may, ultimately, avoid or defer the need to migrate buyer and seller to single systems.  Having systems integration in-place with data discovery, quality, security, and master data addressed not only allows existing systems, applications and tools to continue to run, but then enables new workflows to be introduced and run across legacy systems, e.g., smartphone apps going through data services running on modern services/Cloud technologies and allowing BPM-driven CRM to enable customers/patients to interact in near real-time with back-end systems.

Regulations Compliance: By enabling data security and role-based access control (RBAC) for universal data access, along with data governance, regulatory compliance is easier to enforce and monitor. In addition, other tools can be added, such as user behavior analytics and risk management, to significantly increase regulatory compliance and risk mitigation.