EIQ Update Configuration Tool features
Launching EIQ Update Configuration Tool
Creating a Task Item - Data Sources
New Task Item Wizard - Data Sources
Creating a Task Item - WhamSearch Documents
New Task Item Wizard - WhamSearch Documents
Controlling Tasks and Task Items
EIQ Update Configuration Tool is used to configure and manage EIQ RTIS. This tool allows users to configure the necessary components to establish real time updates for an EIQ Index.
EIQ RTIS and the corresponding EIQ Server must be running to configure EIQ RTIS through the configuration tool. If either server is unavailable, setup is not possible.
To connect to EIQ RTIS and the corresponding EIQ Server:
· Enter the IP address or computer name of an active EIQ RTIS and EIQ Server.
· Enter appropriate user credentials.
· Click 'Connect' to continue.
An EIQ Update Task is used to connect an EIQ Server Index to a messaging system that receives update information from the data source. Each update task is specific to an EIQ Virtual Data Source and index and can have several task items. Each task item represents different data sources for a Virtual Data Source.
To create a new EIQ Update Task, follow these steps:
· Right-click the 'Tasks' folder on the left.
· Select 'New Task' from the context menu.
· Complete the steps in the 'New Task Wizard'.
The New Task Wizard provides an interface to create an EIQ Update Task.
Configure Task:
Task Name: Specifies the task display name.
Use Virtual Data Source: This checkbox indicates if the task is associated with a Virtual Data Source or not. In some cases, you might want to set up a task to monitor an EIQ Server data source that is not part of a VDS; like an EIQ Non-Virtual Index (ENVI).
EIQ Server Virtual Data Source Selection page
EIQ Server Virtual Data Source Index: This list contains all registered EIQ Server Virtual Data Sources.
The red exclamation mark icon appears next to the new task. In this situation, it means a task item must be added (See below).
EIQ Update Task Items represents a connection to the messaging system that receives updates from a registered data source. An Update Task Item provides a per column filtering of updates. Each EIQ Update Task must have at least one Task Item.
To create an EIQ Update Task Item, follow these steps:
· Right-click on an existing EIQ Update Task.
· Select 'New Item' from the context menu.
· Complete the steps in the 'New Task Item Wizard - Data Sources'.
Configure Task Item:
Task Item Name: This field specifies the display name for the new task item.
Data Source Alias: This list contains registered EIQ Server Data Source Alias’.
Task Item Type: This list contains supported messaging systems, such as MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue), JMS (Java Messaging System), CDC (Changed Data Capture) and Query Based Polling.
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Setup:
On this page, you specify the Microsoft Message Queue's server and queue name. The composite name is formatted SERVERNAME\QUEUENAME. The specified queue name is used by EIQ RTIS to update this task item. It must be the same as the queue name used while configuring the EIQ DS TransMon Configuration Tool or the same as the value of the QueueParam parameter specified in the database trigger.
Server Name: This field specifies the server name for the target queue. The SERVERNAME is the server that hosts the target MSMQ queue. Specify a ‘.’ (dot) for queues on a local computer.
Queue Name: This field specifies the queue name. The QUEUENAME specifies the target queue on the host server where the messages are retrieved.
Poll Interval: This field specifies the frequency in which EIQ RTIS polls the Queue for new messages. The specified poll interval (specified in seconds) should be between 1 and 30 seconds.
Java Message Queue (JMS) Setup:
If JMS was selected as the Task Item Type, a similar window is shown. The only difference is the Server Name is not required.
Queue Name: This field specifies the JMS queue name that will be used by EIQ RTIS for this task item. The Queue Name must be formatted as QUEUENAME. The QUEUENAME must be the same queue name used while configuring the EIQ DS TransMon Configuration Tool or the same as the value of the QueueParam parameter specified in the database trigger. In the example above, the Queue Name for JMS would be POLICE.
Table Selection:
Available Tables: This list contains all available tables for the data source.
Selected Tables: This list contains all selected tables for the Task Item.
Note: A task item can contain one or more tables. However, multiple task items within a task should have unique tables. |
EIQ Update Task Items monitor changes to WhamSearch documents. Each EIQ Update Task must have at least one Task Item.
To create an EIQ Update Task Item, follow these steps:
· Right-click an existing EIQ Update Task
· Select 'New Item' from the context menu.
· Complete the steps in the 'New Task Item Wizard - WhamSearch Documents'
Configure Task Item:
Task Item Name: This field specifies the display name for the new task item.
Data Source Alias: This list contains registered EIQ Server Data Source Alias’.
Task Item Type: This list contains supported messaging systems, such as MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue), JMS (Java Messaging System), WSMQ (Web Sphere Message Queue), and DOCUMENTS.
Document Location Selection:
Document Folder: Enter or browse for the folder that contains the WhamSearch documents for this task item.
Click "Finish" to complete the wizard.
Each EIQ Update Task Item can be stopped, paused, or started at any time. This is useful when debugging a specific Task Item or messaging system.
To control the status of a specific item, follow these steps:
· Right-click the item in the scope pane.
· Select the newly desired status.
EIQ Update Task items have 4 states represented by an associated scope icon.
The states are:
Running: Indicated by a green 'play' arrow, this state means the task item is
running and has no errors.
Paused: Indicated by blue 'pause' bars, this state means the task item is
running but is currently paused. EIQ RTIS does not receive update information
from a messaging system while the task item is paused.
Stopped: Indicated by a red 'stop' square,
this state means the task item is stopped. EIQ RTIS does not receive
update information from a messaging system while the task item is stopped.
Error: Indicated by a red exclamation mark,
this state means there are one or more errors with the task item. Errors can be
reviewed in the System Event log. Task items remain running when in the error
state, but they usually do not receive updates.
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