For an alpha-numeric key [data type X(n), for n ≥ 60], the key value
is stored without trailing white space.
This is called the Variable Length Key feature.
For most applications, this reduces substantially the amount of HD storage required by the index.
The Variable Length Key feature adds four bytes of overhead to each node.
This overhead must be overcome by abbreviated net key lengths in order to achieve a net savings in HD space requirement.
This ddtl procedure can be used to estimate the
storage savings for a given instance of data.
The Optimized Unique Node feature removes 12 bytes of node overhead for each unique node.
This feature applies to both non-RealTime and RealTime indexes.
For a node with a 32 bit key, this reduces total node storage from 28 bytes to 16 bytes,
giving a 42% saving in HD storage required.
The Dynamic Local List feature, for RealTime indexes, assigns Local List storage dynamically for nodes
that contain 2 to 64 list items.
When the number of list items exceeds 64, the node is converted to RTL storage.