Syntax: IF <logical expression> IF <logical expression> <statement> Options: /K - case sensitive compare Placement: RETURN Section, EVERY Section, ATEND Section Description: Performs the predicate statement and/or subsequent statements if the evaluated <logical expression> is true. If an optional ELSE clause is present, it is performed if the evaluated <logical expression> is false. The scope of an IF statement ends on a matching ENDIF, an EVERY, ATEND or R_INITIAL Statement. IF and WHILE statements may be nested to a maximum of 16 levels. A <logical expression> may consist of a single <relational expression> or of multiple <relational expression>s connected by <logical operator>s. Legal logical operators for <logical expression> are: NOT unary NOT AND logical AND OR logical OR EXCEPT logical AND NOT A <relational expression> consists of two <operand>s connected by a <relational operator>. Each <operand> may be either a simple string operand or an <arithmetic expression>. Legal <relational operator>s for <relational expression> are: eq = equals ne not equals ge >= greater or equals gt > greater le <= less or equals lt < less sv starting value av all value lk SQL LIKE If both <operand>s of a <relational expression> are simple string operands, the relation is treated as a string comparison; otherwise, both <operand>s are evaluated as <arithmetic expression>s, as described in the CALC Statement, and the relation is treated as a numeric comparison. A string comparison compares two strings character-by-character; if the two strings are of unequal length, the shorter string is considered to be padded with blanks. Two characters are compared by comparing their ASCII codes; thus "A" (code 65) is less than "B" (code 66). (Note that only a unary plus is required to transform a simple string operand into an arithmetic expression. For example, IF "ABC123" = "123ABC" is a string compare with a false result. However, IF +"ABC123" = +"123ABC" is a numeric compare with a true result.)
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