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CalcObject Statement: Calc
Version 7.11
CalcObject Statement: Calc CalcObject Statement: Calc
    Syntax: CALC vname=<arithmetic expression>
    Placement: RETURN Section, EVERY Section, ATEND Section
        R_INITIAL section
    Description: Assigns the value of <arithmetic expression> 
       to a user defined numeric variable.
       <arithmetic expression> may contain a simple operand or
       an expression of operands and arithmetic operators.
       Terms of an expression are evaluated according to the
       hierarchy of the operator, with terms of highest
       hierarchy being evaluated first. The order of evaluation
       may be changed by using () pairs for grouping.
       If <arithmetic expression> contains a string operand,
       the numeric value of the operand is used.
       For example,
          CALC x=123
          CALC x="123"
          CALC x="ABC123"
          CALC x="123ABC"
       all assign the value 123 to variable x.
       Options which apply to the CALC command are:
          N - if null, make result non SQL-null; 
              refer to CALC-SET-IF with SQL null
     1.1  Legal operators for <arithmetic expression> are:
       Operator  Description       Hierarchy
       ()        grouping
       +         binary plus         1
       -         binary minus        1
       *         multiplication      2
       /         division            2
       ^         exponentiation      3
       +         unary plus          4
       -         unary minus         4
     1.2  Legal operands for <arithmetic expression> are:
         Integer or fractional numeric constants
         Exponential constants
         Numeric fields
         Numeric local variables
         Numeric global variables
         Numeric functions
         String constant enclosed in ' or "
         Alpha fields
         Alpha local variables
         Alpha global variables
   Number valued functions - Math functions
     1.3  abs() function - absolute value
     1.4  acos() function - arccosine
     1.5  asin() function - arcsine
     1.6  atan() function - arctangent
     1.7  atan2() function - arctangent of two sides
     1.8  ceil() function - ceiling function
     1.9  cos() function - cosine
     1.10 exp() function - exponential function (power of e)
     1.11 floor() function - floor function
     1.12 int() function - floor function
     1.13 log() function - natural log (base e)
     1.14 log10() - log function (base 10)
     1.15 max() function - max of two numbers
     1.16 min() function - min of two numbers
     1.17 mod() function - mod of two numbers
     1.18 pow() function - power function
     1.19 rand() function - random number generator
     1.20 round() function - round a number
     1.21 sin() function - sine of a number
     1.22 sqrt() function - square root of a number
     1.23 tan() function - tangent of a number
   Number valued functions - Date and Time functions
     1.24 jdate() function - numeric date function
     1.25 jdate64() function - datetime function
     1.26 datediff() function - date difference calculation
     1.27 timediff() function - time difference calculation
     1.28 dyinc() function - increment the date by number of days
     1.29 moinc() function - increment the date by number of months
     1.30 yrinc() function - increment the date by number of years
   Number valued functions - Miscellaneous functions
     1.31 isnull() function - test for SQL NULL
     1.32 numval() function - numeric value of a string
     1.33 strlen() function - length of a string
     1.34 _level() function - hierarchy level function
     1.35 _prline() function - printer line number
     1.36 _storage() function - disk storage available
     1.37 _absrecno() - TB internal record number
     1.38 _recno() function - table-relative record number
   Number valued functions - Financial functions
1.39 fv1(pmt,int,np) Future value for periodic payment (pmt), interest (int) and number of periods (np)
1.40 fv2(pv,int,np) Future value for present value (pv), periodic interest (int) and number of periods (np)
1.41 pv1(pmt,int,np) Present value for periodic payment (pmt), interest (int) and number of periods (np)
1.42 pv2(fv,int,np) Present value for future value (fv), periodic interest (int) and number of periods (np)
1.43 pmt1(int,np,pv) Payment amount for periodic interest (int), number of periods (np) and present value (pv)
1.44 pmt2(int,np,fv) Payment amount for periodic interest (int), number of periods (np) and future value (fv)
1.45 rate1(fv,pv,np) Periodic interest rate for future value (fv), present value (pv) and number of periods (np)
1.46 rate2(fv,pmt,np) Periodic interest rate for future value (fv), payment (pmt) and number of periods (np)
1.47 rate3(pv,pmt,np) Periodic interest rate for present value (pv), payment (pmt) and number of periods (np)
1.48 term1(pv,int,fv) Number of periods for present value (pv), periodic interest (int) and future value (fv)
1.49 term2(pmt,int,fv) Number of periods for periodic payment (pmt), periodic interest (int) and future value (fv)
1.50 term3(pmt,int,pv) Number of periods for periodic payment (pmt), periodic interest (int) and present value (fv)
Number valued functions - CalcObject Only 1.51 distinct() function - although strictly speaking, this function can be used in the context of ddlCalc(), such use would represent a degenerate case; so for all practical purposes, this function is restricted to ddlCreateCalcObject(). 1.52 search() function - this function is also restricted to ddlCreateCalcObject(). int() function - floor function int(x) is a number valued function which returns the floor integer of x; that is, the largest integer that is less than or equal to x. For example, int(5.5) is 5.0 int(-5.5) is -6.0 pow() function - power function pow(x,y) is a number valued function which returns the value of x to the power y; rand() function - random number generator rand(n) returns a uniformly pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.0. If n is non-zero, it is taken as a new seed that establishes a new sequence of random numbers. If n is 0, the rand() function returns the next value from the sequence. round() function - round a number round(x,n) jdate() function - numeric date function jdate(string,template) is a function that computes the numeric date relative to January 1, 1753. "string" is a digital representation of the date in the form of a string constant, an alpha field or an alpha variable. "template" is a string representation of the format of the date; Each 'm' or 'M' represents a digit in the mneth; each 'd' or 'D' represents a digit in the day; each 'y' or 'Y' represents a digit of the year; each 'x' or 'X' represents a character of the mnemonic month; each 'z' or 'Z' represents a character of the mnemonic day; If the year is edited as 'yy', it will represent the last two digits of the year. If the year is edited as 'yyyy' it will represent the absolute year from 1753 to 4999. If the first argument is all blanks, the current date is assumed. If the [,template] argument is omitted, it is assumed to be 'mm/dd/yy'. Examples of jdate() usage are: CALC jd=jdate("04/01/86") CALC jd=jdate('19860401','yyyymmdd') jdate64() function - datetime function jdate64(string,template) is a function that computes the numeric datetime relative to January 1, 1753. "string" is a digital representation of the datetime in the form of a string constant, an alpha field or an alpha variable. "template" is a string representation of the format of the datetime; each "m" or "M" represents a digit of the month; each "d" or "D" represents a digit of the day; each "y" or "Y" represents a digit of the year. If the year is in the form 'yy', it is assumed to be relative to 1753. If the year is in form 'yyyy' it is assumed to be an absolute year from 1753 to 4999. If the first argument is all blanks, the current date is assumed. If the [,template] argument is omitted, it is assumed to be 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss.ttt'. Examples of jdate() usage are: CALC jd=jdate("04/01/86") CALC jd=jdate('19860401','yyyymmdd') _level() function - hierarchy level function The _level() function in CALC and IF is a function of the hierarchy level of a data group. In general, the hierarchy level is the ordinal of the data group in the collection. _level(n) is 0 if level n is not currently defined; _level(n) is 1 if level n is defined but is not in the current RETURN _level(n) is 2 if level n is in the current RETURN For example, the command: RELATE A CUSTOMERS INVENTORY SALES OVER CUST# ITEM# would produce a hierarchy that looked like this in a RAWPRINT: DGNAME REC# NAME PRICE QUAN ---------- ---- ---- ----- ---- CUSTOMERS 1 BATMAN INVENTORY 1 12.75 SALES 1 5 SALES 2 8 INVENTORY 2 17.00 INVENTORY 3 25.00 SALES 3 12 SALES 4 24 For each frame of a REPORT, the level(n) function is: NAME PRICE QUAN _level(1) _level(2) _level(3) ---- ----- ---- --------- --------- --------- BATMAN 12.75 5 2 2 2 8 1 1 2 17.00 1 2 0 25.00 12 1 2 2 24 1 1 2 The _present() function is a more user friendly analogue to the _level() function. _recno() function - table-relative record number The _recno(<table-name>) function returns the 1-relative record number number of the current Calc Object record for <table-name>. It returns 0 if the current record for <table-name> is not present.

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