Notation standards | Variables | Options |
Answers |
calc %num = sqrt(9) + 1SQRT is the square root function; and the square root of 9 is 3; and 3+1 is 4.
abs(arg) | Absolute value of arg |
exp(arg) | The mathematical constant e (2.718281...) to the power arg |
log(arg) | The natural log of arg |
log10(arg) | The base 10 log of arg |
sqrt(arg) | The square root of arg |
mod(arg1;arg2) | The modulus (remainder) of arg1 divided by arg2 |
min(arg1;arg2) | The minimum of arg1 and arg2 |
max(arg1;arg2) | The maximum of arg1 and arg2 |
int(arg) | The smallest integer <= arg |
round(arg1;arg2) | arg1 rounded to arg2 digits |
numval(StringArg) | The numeric value of string StringArg |
strlen(StringArg) | The number of characters in string StringArg |
rand(arg) | uniform random number between 0 and 1; if arg is non-zero, it becomes new seed |
nurand(arg;x;y) | non-uniform random number between x and y; arg is variability parameter |
sin(angle) | sine function of angle |
cos(angle) | cosine function of angle |
tan(angle) | tangent function of angle |
asin(arg) | arcsine function of arg |
acos(arg) | arccosine function of arg |
atan(arg) | arctangent function of arg |
atan2(x;y) | arctangent function of two sides x and y |
fv1(pmt;int;np) | Future value for periodic payment (pmt), interest (int) and number of periods (np) |
fv2(pv;int;np) | Future value for present value (pv), periodic interest (int) and number of periods (np) |
pv1(pmt;int;np) | Present value for periodic payment (pmt), interest (int) and number of periods (np) |
pv2(fv;int;np) | Present value for future value (fv), periodic interest (int) and number of periods (np) |
pmt1(int;np;pv) | Payment amount for periodic interest (int), number of periods (np) and present value (pv) |
pmt2(int;np;fv) | Payment amount for periodic interest (int), number of periods (np) and future value (fv) |
rate1(fv;pv;np) | Periodic interest rate for future value (fv), present value (pv) and number of periods (np) |
rate2(fv;pmt;np) | Periodic interest rate for future value (fv), payment (pmt) and number of periods (np) |
rate3(pv;pmt;np) | Periodic interest rate for present value (pv), payment (pmt) and number of periods (np) |
term1(pv;int;fv) | Number of periods for present value (pv), periodic interest (int) and future value (fv) |
term2(pmt;int;fv) | Number of periods for periodic payment (pmt), periodic interest (int) and future value (fv) |
term3(pmt;int;pv) | Number of periods for periodic payment (pmt), periodic interest (int) and present value (fv) |
jdate(DateString;TemplateString) | Numerical date of DateString per TemplateString |
yrinc(NumDate;Delta;DOM) | Increment base date (NumDate) by number of years (Delta); if DOM exceeds last DOM, use last DOM |
moinc(NumDate;Delta;DOM) | Increment base date (NumDate) by number of months (Delta); if DOM exceeds last DOM, use last DOM |
dyinc(NumDate;Delta) | Increment base date (NumDate) by number of days (Delta) |
timediff(StartString;EndString) | Time difference in seconds |
strmatch(Template;Subject;Control) | Count one for each character in string Subject that matches the corresponding character in string Template and is in string Control |
_storage(DriveLetter) | Calculate the free file storage on drive DriveLetter | _absrecno(TableNameString) | The absolute record number of the current record | _recno(TableNameString) | The table-relative record number of the current record |
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